
I put 2 pages on the Top, I cannot change the font to bigger be more visible

Victoria Secrets

Article: Criminal Mind Click Here

Article: Dean's Girlfriend. Click Here

Article: Dean went to England, Its really just the performance before, but its a solo after that opening of England flag, by years Victoria Secrets. You can say, some of us all get target. To exactly see me face, or sound right name. I don't really exist in the movie. Click Here

Article This is Anna, I real life, Click Here

The day when they finally found out 偶然發現的一天

The day when they finally found out 


Script: Korean 偶然發現的一天

Stephen Tamang become part of 105 class replacing me with whom has a heart problem

But the things is with the movie.

That red dress girl dying = Dean

Tamang dress = Me

Meaning sometimes when you look upon the movies to decode it, if you are decoding it as long as I am for 8 long years, I will tell you, there are particular ways reading at the movies.

When I was running in time, it was when I was 31 years old started. I have no ideas what has happened in my life, everyday, I breath in breath out trying to stay floating in the entire pacific ocean, until I drift a wood, back home at Taiwan, from America.

That is 2016 9/17

I had to do things so the world will stay intact, with Time. Only I know, and I describe it in my other website. (https://annajao2017.blogspot.com/ )

You know you have family look down upon you, but all of this MD will never feel like that, your parents saying things to you, or your sibling will all looking down upon you. You have no choice to swallow all of it, for the day, that the world will stay intact with Time.

That day every day of the year was a pretentious fake life, how little I am to be, in order to have a house to stay, with my mother. Most people have pride not to stay with my mother.

As I approach to 37, from 35....I have to handle 2 additional years of materials, before COVID 19 hits.

I tell myself, the World has to stay, and I can get a job when i finishing this run, I can get a job, I can get a job, focus right now, this world, they need this world.

Everyday, money, life, and pressure, someone does not know that hard road, when you looking at the Time, looking at life, if there is no exit, everyone has a food on the table, while all I give out, was freely information to overturn the wrong that SMCH has done, to air on the entire China broadcasting networks. For that 2 additional years, I get older 2 years more.

But in UB 2020 years, I went to search 10 jobs. or more. I walk in everywhere to find a job, so on my resume, now they can be envy on facebook, I hardly to tell them, I find it National Library Taipei, Taiwan metropolian job.

It does not pay much, and I left, I don't want to do that job. I delcare Kingship probably is one of the things but I never really use that title, you imagine everyone does that.

That kingship system will remove all Presidents in this world, do you understand, there will be no leadership.

So To my friends in Facebook, not just fantasy of Sailor moon someone has to do a Queen Mother's job, to overturn things.

I wrote a paper on the last website, how I am "Not the One" to throw at the ghost situation, for this new Digital Era. I had this one more tale about 2 additional years of my young times, as if Dean if they all let go MD jobs, they will be 40. They are 2 years younger than me.

And guess what, they are persmissive, and never demonstrate a personality, if let go MD jobs, to say fake, where will they go and survive for the money?

Will they go on underground fighting? White boys worlds will tell you what Asian boys, like Wing or Tamang doing. 

But what I know or heard tales was, there is a gangster life.

Will you MD committee board trainning no matter how lousy a MD is, their life purpose will give it all up being a responsible MD to join a gangster, in order to live through that trial of life?

If you reading through all my posts, and watch it again that video.

What would you thought on it, my friends, that facebook meant to them the most?

"The day when you realize it all" 偶然發現的一天 ( TV scripts)

Mature person does mature things. What it is priority of a mature Medical Doctor training, was in the mind of serving the Humanity, especially near to someone like me. Its being selfless, preservance, never look down upon Self worthy, no matter what your parents words are, you by yourself, your own Self, made it, to that Hunger Game. Lots of people watching, therefore, you never felt alone. Money, its by lesson the food, McDonald has ice cream 18 NT dollar, which is like 50 cent US money.

What it is to be the survivor of yourself, its what your parents aiming and hoping, while they are still alive, they will see you to be the full grown human beings. Mature person look mature and acting mature, and talk mature.

Acting righterous while the Bible at the last chaper, to become True.


Do you remember 16 years ago ? 

Do you remember a lot of things apart that sometimes before 16 years ago?

The very last time we see each other? Does your parents remember?

Your passport

Do you know what I sing?

This time again, 16 years later?

If I give you a photo to live through... ... but how?

4th times saving you Dean.

As a blonde girl.

I will tell you.

4th times saving you from the TV, on the TV.....I am tired of saving you.


You even not speak in Chinese nor Korean....

25:24 Says, last time saving you, I creates 2 chi channels within you. If this time I need to save you again, I need to create something stronger to supress it two Chi Channels. 

That 2 Channels of Chi will become 4 channels. If in the future, same things happened again, you will die. But if I don't pass some chi channels to you, you will die immediately. What should I do? 

Never mind, there is no choice but doing these. Just save you temporarily. 

Yeah, Medical Professional imagine I do this every single day.

You know what you are doing with the TV. Someone whom could really do all that?

I put 2 pages on the Top, I cannot change the font to bigger be more visible

Victoria Secrets Article: Criminal Mind Click Here Article: Dean's Girlfriend. Click Here Article: Dean went to England, Its rea...